Woodwind family
Listen to Examples
Guidelines for Success
- Arms are long enough to hold flute to the mouth and still cover keys correctly.
- Upper lip characteristics are conducive to proper embouchure; a short upper lip or bead of skin in the center of the upper lip tends to make it difficult to form a good embouchure.
- A clear tone is easily produced on the head joint.
- Eye-hand coordination is good.
- Reading skills are above average.
- Work habits are strong and achievement is high.
- Closed teeth meet evenly.
Flute Supplies
Call to Order
A quality instrument is crucial for successful learning. Parents can call (800) 637-6872 to order supplies from District 47's preferred vendor, Quinlan and Fabish, Mon-Fri. 11am-7pm or Sat. 9am-3pm or order online with the buttons below...
Method Book
5th grade students will read music from their own method book entitled, "Habits of a Successful Beginner Band Musician."

Music Stand
Students will set up their own music stand at full band. We use the Hamilton KB400N music stand and the Hamilton KB12 carrying bag.

3-Ring Binder
Please help our class run smoothly and organize our songs, worksheets and other handouts in a 3-ring binder.

Cleaning Rod
Use a cleaning rod with a white hankie swab to keep your flute clean and dry after playing. Watch Video called "How to Clean Your Flute".
Origin of Flute
Flutes were known to exist in ancient civilizations. Over the years, they have been made of wood or metal. Early flutes, such as recorders, are played pointing forward. The other type of flute, called a transverse flute until the mid-1800s, is played to the side.
Inventor of Flute
In 1847, Theobald Boehm designed the modern flute. This flute is capable of playing with more volume than older flutes. The keys Mr. Boehm added also allow the instrument to play a full chromatic scale, and help it to play better in tune.
By the 1840's, two French instrument makers named Klose and Buffet had created a clarinet fingering system modeled after the flute key system designed by Boehm. Nearly all clarinets today are made with the Boehm system.
Flute Family
The flute family includes the C Flute (the most common), C Piccolo, Alto and Bass Flutes. As the highest-pitched members of the concert band, marching band, and orchestra, flutes play melodies, harmonies, and solos, and are important members of the woodwind family.
Composers & Performers
J.S. Bach, Claude Debussy, and Ralph Vaughan Williams are important composers who have written music for the flute. Some famous flute performers are Louis Moyse and James Galway.